Подведены итоги конкурса BeadDreams-2016!

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Благодарю всех, кто поддержал меня в этом конкурсе, верил в мои силы и вселял надежду и уверенность! 

Знакомлю вас со своей коллегой Fen Li, которую я узнала из группы FRENCH BEADED FLOWERS на Facebook. В этом видео Fen показывает свою бисерную работу "Вишня в цвету", купленную американской фирмой-производителем проволоки Beadalon; здание Wisconsin Center, в котором ежегодно проходит Bead&Button Show и конкурс Bead Dreams в Милуоки, США. Также можно увидеть кадры изнутри, а со 2-ой минуты Fen снимает работы, представленные на конкурсе, в том числе и мою бокаловидную розу "Клаудия"! В конце Fen показывает покупки, которые совершила на Bead&Button Show.

Итоги конкурса


Best in Show: Objects & Accessories, Swan Princess Headdress-Transformer by Oleysa Bryutova

Best in Show Runner-up: Seed Beads, Whisper Wind by Tatiana Konstantinova

People’s Choice: TBA


Crystal Jewerly

1st Place: Halycon by Svetlana Kossman

2nd Place: There's a Star Inside Us All by Marie New

3rd Place: The Dark Side by Sonia Lidozzi


Finished Jewelry

1st Place: The Winds of Winter by Tatiana Van Iten

2nd Place: The Wisdom Keeper by Heidi Kummli & Laura Mears

3rd Place: Vivid Sydney by Irina Rudneva


Handmade Buttons and Beads

1st Place: Honeybee's Playground by Kris Schaible

2nd Place: Flora and Fauna in Copper and Leather by Jill Tower

3rd Place: Creatures of the Sea by Leah Neitz


Metal Clay

1st Place: Devoted by Rodica Frunze

2nd Place: Playful Cat on the Yarn by Natalia Kamaritou

3rd Place: Guardian of the Shambhala by Rodica Frunze



1st Place: Cherry Blossoms by Jill Tower

2nd Place: Strata by Sandy Mikel

3rd Place: Coastal Attitude by Bernadette Leach


Ms. Maddie’s Fabulous Florals

1st Place: Dreams of Japan Necklace & Cuff by Nadeza Gerber

2nd Place: Castle in the Distance of the Flower by Mieko Ogura

3rd Place: Barcelona by Betty Stephan


Objects and Accessories

1st Place: Swan Princess Headdress-Transformer by Oleysa Bryutova

2nd Place: Lady of the Sea by Ellen Solomons

3rd Place: Cleopatra: Single, Looking for Short-term Relationship by Justina Coffey


Polymer Clay

1st Place: Dragonfleye by Kathy Bingaman

2nd Place: Sunset Gold Rush by Staci Smith

3rd Place: Sticks and Stones by Lorrene Baum-Davis


Seed Bead Jewelry

1st Place: Whisper Wind by Tatiana Konstantinova

2nd Place: The Rani Weds by Margaret Corchnoy

3rd Place: Time After Time by Kelly Wiese



1st Place: Tempest by Sarah Thompson

2nd Place: Hammered Lace by Kimberly Newman 

3rd Place: The Phantom of Mardi Gras by Melissa Woods

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